Last week, we had the Haiti Hope House’s second quarter Board of Directors' meeting. At least it was scheduled. Unfortunately, the meeting had to be postponed because the Member who had the responsibility to set up the ZOOM link, and to be the host for the meeting failed to show up, despite my late afternoon email reminder of the 7.30 pm meeting. After many frustrating minutes trying to log in and getting the notification “waiting for the host to start the meeting” we decided to go with a conference call. However, by that time, it was not only too late, but we did not have a quorum in order to proceed with the meeting. Later I found out that this Member went and lay down after he had something to eat, fell asleep, and did not wake up until 9.00 pm. To say that I was disappointed would be putting it mildly. From now on, I will take the responsibility for setting up the ZOOM link.
Many family members, and others around me, like to say that I am a “Perfectionist.” I don’t consider myself to be a perfectionist. I know that only God is perfect. However, I like things, big or small, to be done right, all the i(s) dotted and the t(s) crossed. When I am given the responsibility to do something, I am committed to doing it right, completely, to the best of my abilities, and on time; no shortcut allowed.
This should be our modus operandi in the secular world, but more importantly in our Christian Walk. We cannot just talk the talk; we must walk the walk. For example, in many places in the Bible, but specifically in Mat. 22: 37-40, we read: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ….. Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is a command. We are charged to “Love our neighbor as we love ourselves.” It is perfectly clear. It is direct. There is no wiggle room.
To abide in love is to incarnate the great law of love, to love others in every detail of our daily life. To practice the new commandment, we are to make ‘love one another’ the touchstone by which we test every thought, word, and deed of our daily lives, until all are brought into conformity to the law which was supreme in the life of Christ himself.
This is but one example.
Am I a perfectionist just for trying to abide, obey, and carry out the responsibility attached to this charge, or any other charge, secular or religious, to the best of my ability, all the time? I do not believe so.
Is that easy?
By no means. That is why we depend on the Sanctifying Grace of God to help us as we strive toward perfection. Another way to put it is to do your very best, always, in all circumstances, and commit the rest to God who alone can, day by day, moment by moment, encourage us, empower us, and guide us, through His Holy Spirit, in our walk toward perfection, to the glory of His Holy Name.
Let us pray. Loving and Merciful God, we praise You O God. We glorify and magnify your Holy Name, God of gods, Lord of lords. We give you thanks for your Grace, your Mercy, and your Love. Forgive us our shortcomings, O God. We give you thanks for your Son Jesus Christ who by his birth, death, and resurrection, has made us whole. We thank you for your Holy Spirit, our counselor who guides us through our earthly journey, and empowers us to live a life worthy of you, worthy of being your witnesses to the world, by how we live our lives: loving as you love, caring as you care, forgiving as you forgive. Help us O God to strive for your perfection, never stopping trying to be the best we can be, at all times, and in all circumstances, trusting that you will be there to lead us and guide us to a successful end as you promised. In the matchless name of Jesus the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Many family members, and others around me, like to say that I am a “Perfectionist.” I don’t consider myself to be a perfectionist. I know that only God is perfect. However, I like things, big or small, to be done right, all the i(s) dotted and the t(s) crossed. When I am given the responsibility to do something, I am committed to doing it right, completely, to the best of my abilities, and on time; no shortcut allowed.
This should be our modus operandi in the secular world, but more importantly in our Christian Walk. We cannot just talk the talk; we must walk the walk. For example, in many places in the Bible, but specifically in Mat. 22: 37-40, we read: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ….. Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is a command. We are charged to “Love our neighbor as we love ourselves.” It is perfectly clear. It is direct. There is no wiggle room.
To abide in love is to incarnate the great law of love, to love others in every detail of our daily life. To practice the new commandment, we are to make ‘love one another’ the touchstone by which we test every thought, word, and deed of our daily lives, until all are brought into conformity to the law which was supreme in the life of Christ himself.
This is but one example.
Am I a perfectionist just for trying to abide, obey, and carry out the responsibility attached to this charge, or any other charge, secular or religious, to the best of my ability, all the time? I do not believe so.
Is that easy?
By no means. That is why we depend on the Sanctifying Grace of God to help us as we strive toward perfection. Another way to put it is to do your very best, always, in all circumstances, and commit the rest to God who alone can, day by day, moment by moment, encourage us, empower us, and guide us, through His Holy Spirit, in our walk toward perfection, to the glory of His Holy Name.
Let us pray. Loving and Merciful God, we praise You O God. We glorify and magnify your Holy Name, God of gods, Lord of lords. We give you thanks for your Grace, your Mercy, and your Love. Forgive us our shortcomings, O God. We give you thanks for your Son Jesus Christ who by his birth, death, and resurrection, has made us whole. We thank you for your Holy Spirit, our counselor who guides us through our earthly journey, and empowers us to live a life worthy of you, worthy of being your witnesses to the world, by how we live our lives: loving as you love, caring as you care, forgiving as you forgive. Help us O God to strive for your perfection, never stopping trying to be the best we can be, at all times, and in all circumstances, trusting that you will be there to lead us and guide us to a successful end as you promised. In the matchless name of Jesus the Christ, we pray. Amen.
Posted in Mid-Week Devotional