In Chaos, There is Still Joy
“Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.”—Habakkuk 3:17-18 (ESV)
This week, we begin The Freedom School @ The Mark. Just like any new beginning, things can be chaotic. Having thirty kids in the program, trying to learn their names, personalities, and behaviors, and keeping them on track with time for breakfast, lunch, class time, Harambee time, fun time, recess time, etc. By the time they were dismissed on the first day, all of us grownups were tapped out and spent. We adults felt like everything was falling apart, like the saying ‘chicken without a head.’ However, at the end of the day, as we had a debriefing, we recounted the joy on the scholars’ faces and our joy, knowing that the day was good, which we missed during our chaotic eight hours.
Life often feels like a whirlwind of events, with challenges and obstacles coming at us from every direction. The chaos can be overwhelming, and it may seem like peace and joy are far out of reach. Yet, the Word of God reminds us that even amid turmoil, joy is, not only, possible but promised.
The prophet Habakkuk paints a vivid picture of devastation: fig trees not blooming, empty vines, failed crops, and barren fields. Despite this bleak scenario, Habakkuk declares his intention to rejoice in the Lord. His joy is not dependent on his circumstances but on his relationship with God.
Habakkuk’s faith teaches us a crucial lesson: joy is a choice rooted in the steadfast love and faithfulness of our Creator. Even when everything around us is falling apart, we can find joy in knowing that God is in control and that God is our source of salvation and strength.
Think of the times when your life seemed to be in disarray. Perhaps it was during a health crisis, like recovering from a stroke or navigating the complexities of life changes. It can be difficult to see beyond the immediate chaos during those moments. However, choosing to focus on God's unwavering presence and promises can bring a sense of peace and joy that transcends understanding.
It wasn't until we sat down to debrief that we realized what a good day we had. I wonder if we should have taken some time to debrief in between.
Tomorrow is the 4th of July. As you celebrate this day and the weekend, remember to take this time to seek out joy. Even better, take a moment each day to intentionally seek out joy. It can be found in life’s simple pleasures—time spent with loved ones, the beauty of nature, or the satisfaction of a job well done.
Remember that joy is not about denying the reality of our struggles but about recognizing God's goodness in the midst of them. As you navigate the storms of life, hold fast to the truth that God is with you. His presence is your anchor, and His promises are your hope. Rejoice in the Lord, for He is the source of true and lasting joy, no matter the circumstances.
Prayer: Lord, in the midst of chaos, help us find joy in You. Remind us that Your love and faithfulness are constant, even when everything around us is uncertain. May Your joy be our strength and our song. Amen.
This week, we begin The Freedom School @ The Mark. Just like any new beginning, things can be chaotic. Having thirty kids in the program, trying to learn their names, personalities, and behaviors, and keeping them on track with time for breakfast, lunch, class time, Harambee time, fun time, recess time, etc. By the time they were dismissed on the first day, all of us grownups were tapped out and spent. We adults felt like everything was falling apart, like the saying ‘chicken without a head.’ However, at the end of the day, as we had a debriefing, we recounted the joy on the scholars’ faces and our joy, knowing that the day was good, which we missed during our chaotic eight hours.
Life often feels like a whirlwind of events, with challenges and obstacles coming at us from every direction. The chaos can be overwhelming, and it may seem like peace and joy are far out of reach. Yet, the Word of God reminds us that even amid turmoil, joy is, not only, possible but promised.
The prophet Habakkuk paints a vivid picture of devastation: fig trees not blooming, empty vines, failed crops, and barren fields. Despite this bleak scenario, Habakkuk declares his intention to rejoice in the Lord. His joy is not dependent on his circumstances but on his relationship with God.
Habakkuk’s faith teaches us a crucial lesson: joy is a choice rooted in the steadfast love and faithfulness of our Creator. Even when everything around us is falling apart, we can find joy in knowing that God is in control and that God is our source of salvation and strength.
Think of the times when your life seemed to be in disarray. Perhaps it was during a health crisis, like recovering from a stroke or navigating the complexities of life changes. It can be difficult to see beyond the immediate chaos during those moments. However, choosing to focus on God's unwavering presence and promises can bring a sense of peace and joy that transcends understanding.
It wasn't until we sat down to debrief that we realized what a good day we had. I wonder if we should have taken some time to debrief in between.
Tomorrow is the 4th of July. As you celebrate this day and the weekend, remember to take this time to seek out joy. Even better, take a moment each day to intentionally seek out joy. It can be found in life’s simple pleasures—time spent with loved ones, the beauty of nature, or the satisfaction of a job well done.
Remember that joy is not about denying the reality of our struggles but about recognizing God's goodness in the midst of them. As you navigate the storms of life, hold fast to the truth that God is with you. His presence is your anchor, and His promises are your hope. Rejoice in the Lord, for He is the source of true and lasting joy, no matter the circumstances.
Prayer: Lord, in the midst of chaos, help us find joy in You. Remind us that Your love and faithfulness are constant, even when everything around us is uncertain. May Your joy be our strength and our song. Amen.
Posted in Mid-Week Devotional