Last week, a friend of mine with whom I regularly exchange inspirational texts, sent me the following text: “God has a perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith; but it’s worth the wait.”

As I read these words, my mind immediately went to my favorite prophet, Isaiah, and what he wrote in the first chapter of 2nd Isaiah, the last two verses, Isaiah 40:30-31: “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” Let us take a moment to meditate on What does it mean to “Hope in the LORD?”

The word Hope implies both Trust and Patience.

Trust involves confidence in God’s power to deliver, and faith that He will keep his promises. I will venture to advance that for most of us believers, the confidence in the power of God to deliver is solidly grounded. The words “God is able,” roll very easily, and dare I say, confidently off our tongues. On the other end, I am not that certain about our faith that He will keep His promise. Doubt has a way to creep in, and get a foothold in our minds when certain things began to happen, leading us to ask “Where is God?” “How come He is allowing these things to happen?” The surprising ascendence of Donal Trump to the presidency for the second time, and the kind of things that he has been doing since he came to power, have pushed many of us to question whether or not God will keep his promise “never to leave us or forsake us,” or to “punish the wicked.”

Hoping in the LORD also implies the Patience to wait for God’s promises to materialize, understanding that God works according to his own timing, his Perfect Timing.

If we were to respond to the hope question in a mathematical form, we could say that HOPE = TRUST + PATIENCE.

In the book of Psalm, we find many instances of psalmists asking God for justice (Ps.58), asking God to punish wrongdoers (Ps. 59), asking God to remain faithful (Ps. 71), or questioning the fairness of life (Ps.73). When we see evil in the world and trouble in our own lives we may tend to ask “Is God truly with us?” Fact is, that God is always faithful to his promises. There is no chance that He will forsake any of his people. And, yes, at the proper time, God’s time, He will deal with the wicked according to his/her deeds; as we are reminded in Prov. 11:21 “Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished, but those who are righteous will go free.”

Let us Pray. Gracious and Loving God, we praise and glorify your Holy Name. We thank you for your loving kindness and your faithfulness. Help us O God to believe and never doubt that you will always be faithful to your promises. No matter what happens in our lives, give us the confidence that indeed you will deliver for us, especially when we feel that we are being crushed by the weight of life and that we cannot go another step. Remind us O God that we can always call on you, that we can hope in you O LORD to renew our strength. Give us the patience to wait on you to act, according to your wisdom, your will, your way, and your own timing. Remind us O God that though you may not arrive when we want, that you are always on time. In Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen and Amen.

By Rev. Franck Aquilh





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